If you find yourself saying "I miss my ex" a lot lately, you are not alone. The pain of a breakup can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to move on.
Losing someone who matters in your life can be very painful. It's natural to miss your ex, but don't get stuck in the past thinking about what could have been or what you used to do together.
You may feel like you are never going to get over it, but remember that time heals everything. It is important not only to take time for yourself but also to accept the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for moving on from an ex.
In this guide, we will cover why you miss your ex, the stages you experience as you try to move on, signs that you are ready to move on and of course, steps and tips to move on from missing your ex.

Why It's Normal to Miss Your Ex After a Breakup
Breakups are always hard and even more so when you miss your ex. It's a normal thing to feel but navigating these feelings can be difficult.
By understanding the reasons behind your emotions, you will be better equipped to take control of your healing process and create a brighter future for yourself.
In this article, we'll look at why it's perfectly normal to miss your ex after a breakup and what you should do to move on.
1. You have formed a strong emotional connection with them
One of the main reasons why you may miss your ex after a breakup is because you have spent a significant amount of time with them and have formed a strong emotional connection.
The happy memories of all the good times you shared can be bittersweet, as it can make it hard to move on from them. In cases such as this, it is completely natural to feel a pang of sadness or loneliness when thinking about your ex.
Even if you were the one who initiated the breakup, chances are it still hurts because breaking up with someone can be incredibly hard and heartbreaking even if you know it's for the best.
2. Habits and routines that you developed as a couple
One of the common struggles people face after a breakup is missing the habits and routines that they had developed together as a couple.
We often don’t realize how comfortable and secure these habits make us feel until they are gone. When we adapt to a certain behavior or give-and-take level with a partner, it’s comforting to us and not having that anymore can be unsettling.
For instance, if you and your ex used to go get coffee or pastries on Sunday mornings, now those Sunday mornings may feel empty without them.
You may not even be aware of this feeling until things change, but suddenly it feels wrong not to be able to say “See you at 9?” every Sunday morning just like clockwork.
3. The loss of a shared social network and mutual friends
At the end of a romantic relationship, it can be difficult to lose the shared social network and mutual friends that come with a couple who have been together for some time.
When two people accumulate contact throughout a relationship, it creates an important connection between them. Each person is part of something bigger than themselves through their mutual friends, and when the relationship ends, both parties may feel this sense of loss.
It's normal to feel bereft at this sudden disconnection from previously-shared circles as well as nostalgia for formerly-shared fun times with loved ones.
4. Reminders everywhere that trigger memories & feelings
There will likely be reminders everywhere that connect you back to an era when things were OK between you and your ex - aspects of everyday life bring up beautiful memories that lead back to thinking or feeling sentimental.
It could happen when you hear certain kinds of music, watch certain movies, or visit a place reminiscent of something sweet shared between you two - anything that sparks a memory or reminds you of them can trigger emotions like sadness or longing.
5. Moving isn't a day's journey
Moving on from an old flame isn’t an event but rather a journey full of ups and downs that require patience from yourself.
You need time to mourn and grieve the end of your relationship, and you can't rush or skip these necessary steps. But even after the grieving period, it's likely that you'll still miss your old life together.
That's where patience comes in. You're allowed to take as much time as you need. Little by little, the hurt will begin to dissipate, and eventually, a day will come when thoughts of them won't fill up so much space in your heart anymore.
Now that you understand why it is perfectly normal for you to feel the things you are feeling, we will now look at the five steps you will go through in your journey to finding happiness again.

The Different Stages of Grief After a Breakup
Breakups are difficult and heartbreaking, no matter what the situation. It’s important to understand that each person will handle their grief differently, but most people can expect that they will experience similar stages of mourning as they work through their emotions.
So let's take a look at the different stages of grief after a breakup:
1. Denial: The initial shock of the breakup
Shock is the first reaction most people have after a breakup. You might not believe that this is happening, especially if you weren't expecting it.
During this stage, you may try to pretend like nothing happened or that your relationship isn't over. You might find yourself clinging to the memory of it and trying to make things work the way they were before, even though it's impossible now.
2. Anger: Responding to the perceived unfairness of the breakup
Shock soon turns into anger as you process your loss. Your anger might be directed toward your former partner or even yourself for not being able to make it work out as you wanted it to.
This is when all those negative thoughts about why your relationship failed to creep up on you - "if only I had done this or said that differently".
It is okay to feel angry - just try not to act out on any unnecessary behavior!
3. Bargaining: Trying to regain control or fix the relationship
In desperation, this stage involves bargaining or negotiating with yourself or higher powers to bring back your former romantic relationship and fix problems that caused it to end in the first place
This can lead to obsessive thoughts about looking for a way out where none exists such as sending one too many texts or trying new tactics when nothing worked before to struggle against accepting defeat and facing reality.
4. Depression: Feeling a sense of loss and sadness
Along with feelings of despair come feelings of sadness and emptiness - which hits like a ton of bricks during this stage.
This consists of feeling down about the current state of affairs for an extended period - days, weeks, or months depending on individual circumstances; isolating yourself from social activities; avoiding contact with people close to you; implementing unhealthy coping mechanisms e.g. substance abuse, etc.
5. Acceptance: Coming to terms with the breakup and moving forward
Acceptance is the fifth and final stage of grief after a breakup, and it's usually the hardest to reach.
It involves coming to terms with the reality of the situation and accepting that your previous relationship is over. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be okay with it right away, but at least acknowledge that your life must move forward in some way.
Ultimately, after a lot has been processed in our minds, we reach a point where we accept what has happened and move along our lives accordingly toward future ventures & relationships.
Bet you enjoyed learning about these five stages of the breakup process. In the next section, we will examine signs that you are ready to leave the stage you are to move on with your life.
How to Recognize if You're Ready to Move On
One of the most difficult parts of moving on after a long-term relationship is knowing when you’re ready to do so. This can be especially hard if you had a meaningful long-term relationship with your ex.
Ultimately, the decision to move on from an ex is a personal one, and it should only be done when you are fully prepared for it.
Here are some tips on how to recognize if you're ready to move on:
1. Evaluate your current situation
Take a realistic look at your current situation and ask yourself some honest questions like: What am I currently doing? Am I happy with where I am in my life or do I feel stuck? How long have I been in this place, and what can change?
Evaluating your current situation will help you understand if you're truly ready to make the necessary changes to move forward.
2. Determine your goals
You must determine your goals before making a big decision like moving on. Think about what it is that you want out of life and how this new chapter will help you reach those goals.
Without having clear goals, it'll be hard for you to measure success and determine if moving on is something that truly makes sense for your future.
3. Assess your readiness
Are you physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to take on the unknown as well as navigate through potential challenges that might arise with this transition?
If not, then take the time required to develop the skills needed or focus your energy elsewhere before moving forward with drastic changes. Being ready is key for successful transitions!
4. Seek advice
Sometimes talking with friends, family, or an expert can open up new perspectives - so don't hesitate to seek advice from those who have experience or knowledge about similar situations!
This will show if their experiences match yours and provide insight into potential solutions that can help guide decisions regarding whether moving on is truly what needs to be done or not.
5. Listen to yourself
Above all else listen deeply within yourself and be attuned to what feelings come up when thinking about making this transition into something new.
Your intuition should always be trusted here - let go of any doubts, worries, and other mental blocks related to transiting into something else!
Letting go of fear is key throughout any transition process; trust yourself – taking risks is natural but they pay off once acknowledged head-on!
After examining these signs that you're ready to move on, if they sound like you, it's important to take practical steps in doing so. In the upcoming section, we'll dive deeper into important steps and helpful tips on how to move on from your ex.

Tips for Moving On and Finding Happiness Again
The heartbreak of breaking up a loved one is tough to cope with, so it's important to know how to begin moving on from the pain and sadness.
It may take time but eventually, a new wave of happiness can come back into your life – if you’re willing to take the steps needed to get there.
When trying to move on from an ex, it is important to recognize that everyone's situation is different, and the pain felt will vary from person to person. But there are some basic tips you can use that work no matter what your circumstances are.
Here are some tips for finding happiness again:
1. Take time to grieve and process your emotions
One of the most important steps in moving on from a breakup is to take time to allow yourself to grieve and process your emotions.
It's perfectly okay to feel a wide range of emotions when going through a tough break-up - sadness, anger, elation, and pain. Take the time to let yourself go through these emotions and understand that it’s normal!
Grief is an integral part of the healing process and it won't last forever. Permit yourself to cry if you need to, write in a journal about your feelings, or talk about it with someone who can offer an understanding ear.
Be kind to yourself as you work through this process.
2. Focus on self-care and self-compassion
The second tip for finding happiness again is to focus on self-care and self-compassion. This is an important step that must not be overlooked when it comes to rebuilding your life after a difficult period.
Self-care requires you to take inventory of all the things that make you feel good, from physical activity and nutrition to enjoying quality time with people who bring out the best in you.
Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature can also give much-needed solace. Taking care of your body, mind, and soul daily will enable you to replenish lost energy and foster inner strength for tackling whatever lies ahead.
It’s also important to practice self-compassion during this difficult time, which means being kind to yourself through understanding and acceptance.
Instead of listening to any negative thoughts or voices inside your head, strive towards creating compassionate statements that can reassure you it’s okay if everything isn’t going perfectly at times, everyone struggles sometimes!
3. Explore new hobbies and interests
If you find yourself struggling to break free from the chains of your past, a great way to do so is by exploring new hobbies and interests.
This could be anything from writing in a journal to painting or learning an instrument. Choose something that you can actively engage with and find joy in, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.
By trying something new, you can begin the process of moving on, healing, and ultimately finding happiness again. It will also introduce you to new friends and experiences, which can help ground you in the present moment.
Finding an escape in activities like watching films, listening to music, playing sports, and joining clubs or groups can help put your energy back into doing something positive with your time.
There is nothing wrong with finding solace in simple pleasures like these!
4. Build a supportive network of friends and loved ones
Having a supportive network of family and friends is an essential part of moving on and finding happiness. Having people nearby who understand what you’re going through can help you cope with difficult feelings such as sadness, loneliness, emptiness, and fear.
They can also celebrate small victories on the road to recovery with you, which can make a huge difference in letting go of painful emotions while also having fun!
Reconnecting with old friends or even just spending time with your pets could also lift your spirits and give you the motivation to move forward.
Additionally, take advantage of virtual networks like social media or online forums. Look for communities that specialize in support for people going through the same thing as you - these types of networks can be incredibly powerful resources for healing.
5. Find healthy ways to cope with the emotions of a breakup
After a breakup, it’s natural to feel sad, angry, or confused. You may even find that it’s hard to make decisions or concentrate on anything else.
One of the best tips for moving on and finding happiness again is to recognize your feelings for what they are and find healthy ways to cope.
One way is by getting outside and enjoying some fresh air and sunshine. Taking walks in nature can provide a calming atmosphere to help your focus shift away from negative thoughts.
Exercise is another way to help manage the emotions of a breakup, as physical activity has been shown to reduce stress hormones like cortisol.
6. Rediscover your sense of self and independence
We often define ourselves by our relationships, but it’s important to remember that you are your person too.
Rediscovering and reclaiming your sense of self is an important part of the healing process and can help you move on.
Think about the things that make you, you: What do you like to do? Who are some people who motivate and inspire you? What did you want to do before the relationship?
Reconnect with yourself, nurture your passions and rebuild relationships that may have suffered during the rough patch. When life has been tough, rediscovering a sense of independence will give you the strength and courage to build a new unique path for yourself.
7. Let go of resentment and anger towards your ex
Letting go of resentment and anger towards an ex can be difficult, especially if they wronged you in some way. However, this is a crucial step toward finding happiness again.
Holding on to your frustration and anger will only fuel the fire inside, causing more pain and distress the longer it lingers in your heart. It can also prevent opportunities for real love and connection with someone else down the line.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings so they may dissipate naturally over time. You might even check in with yourself periodically throughout the day to monitor how those feelings are coming up and release them accordingly.
Finally, forgive yourself for anything you've done or contributed to the lost relationship; that self-forgiveness is essential for true emotional healing.
8. Move forward and set goals for yourself
Moving on and finding happiness again after painful experiences can be difficult. It takes hard work to process our grief and cultivate a sense of peace, but it’s worth the effort. A great way to move forward is to start setting personal and career goals for yourself.
Your goals do not have to be gigantic ambitions; they can be small, incremental life tasks that pave the path to progress.
Create assessments in which you set out specific plans for stock taking, review, development, and actioning. Then look at each area honestly and write down what realistic objectives you want to achieve in a month, six months, or even a year.
Your list doesn’t have to be long; just enough items that help provide you with focus on the journey ahead.
9. Take things one day at a time
This may seem like a cliché, but it is one of the most important tips for moving on and finding happiness again.
We can easily become overwhelmed with all that is going on around us, so it helps to just focus on getting through one day at a time.
Remind yourself of all that you have achieved already and accept that life isn't always easy; but with hard work and determination, great things are possible again!
Think positively about the future — be excited about the possibilities that await you and even more motivated to reach them!
10. Find ways to find enjoyment and happiness in your life
One of the most important tips for moving on is to find ways to find enjoyment and happiness in life.
A traumatic experience, such as a breakup or a death in the family, can make it difficult to move on and continue to live life optimistically. While feeling sad may be normal during these periods of grief, it's important to try and focus on the things that bring joy into your life as soon as possible.
Start by exploring activities or hobbies that you used to enjoy before this difficult period began. You may find that they serve as a source of much-needed distraction from all the negative emotions you are currently experiencing.
11. Learn from the experience and grow as a person
One of the best things you can do to make moving on easier is to learn from the experience.
Reflect on the experience and figure out what went wrong. Was it a communication breakdown? Unrealistic expectations? Understanding what led to your negative situation will help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
Once you have figured out what happened and taken responsibility for any part that you played in it, let it go.
Take in these sour moments as stepping stones towards your fulfillment, as challenges meant to be conquered by standing up and continuing forward with even more love for yourself and others devoted to finding your happiness again!
12. Seek professional help if needed
If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of sadness and pain, it can help immensely to seek out professional therapy. Talking to a relationship expert or therapist might be just the thing you need to find comfort, peace, and joy again.
Your therapist or relationship coach will likely talk with you about the problem in depth, exploring any underlying issues that might hold you back from truly moving on. Not only is your therapist there to lend an ear, but they are also skilled in giving advice - such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or positive thinking - which can provide comfort during a time of distress.
If needed, they may even suggest medications that could help manage depression or medical issues associated with the trauma endured.
Sure you learned a lot about how you can move on from missing your ex to moving on completely in this article so far. Before we close the article, let's look at some common questions people who are looking to move on from their relationship ask.

Frequently Asked Questions
When you find yourself saying "I miss my ex" during a breakup, it's natural to have questions about the situation and possibly even the future.
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions people ask when they're trying to move on from missing their ex:
Can missing my ex be a sign that we should try to get back together?
In short, no. It is understandable to miss someone you used to be close with. It's understandable if you miss your ex even after breaking up with them; however, it doesn't automatically mean that getting back together is the best option.
Instead of trying to get back together, it may be healthier to focus on moving forward and accepting that things have changed including your relationship status.
Is it advisable to be friends with an ex after a breakup, or is it better to cut ties completely?
The answer to this question depends on the nature of your relationship and if you are both able to move on.
If you can remain friendly without complicating things, then it may be possible for you and your ex to remain friends. However, sometimes it's best for both parties to cut ties completely.
In these cases, friendship might only complicate the healing process. So it’s important to honestly assess your situation before deciding if staying friends is right for you.
Can missing an ex be a sign that we need to work on ourselves and our emotional health?
Yes, missing an ex can be a sign that we need to work on ourselves and our emotional health. It's only natural to feel sad when we lose someone important in our lives. But this sadness is just as important as the happiness we feel when we're in a relationship.
Through therapy, journaling, or even art, give yourself space and time to explore without judgment what you learned about relationships so far!
How do we cope with the loneliness and grief that comes with missing an ex?
It helps to stay connected with friends and family during this period of transition. Surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you gives you emotional support during tough times, which is necessary for coping with loneliness effectively.
It's also helpful to set aside time for new experiences—by joining a club or trying out a creative hobby, for instance—which will open up opportunities for making new social connections in the future.
By keeping busy, you'll find that over time the emptiness caused by missing an ex fades away.
It is normal to find yourself saying "I miss my ex" and feel a sense of loss and longing for an ex after a breakup.
While it may be difficult to move on, understanding the reasons behind your emotions can help you take control of your healing process and create a brighter future for yourself.
By recognizing the different stages of the grieving process, coping with loneliness, and rediscovering your identity, you can begin to find happiness again.
Remember that no matter how much you miss your ex, there are steps you can take to move forward healthily.